Welcome to Rarefied Technologies (SE Asia) - RareTechSEA - Blog

Welcome to Rarefied Technologies (SE Asia)

Welcome to our new blog.

New logo
We recently used AI technology to generate a new logo. It was an interesting process to eventually arrive at what we like. We were looking for a minimalist look with thermal colours and a fluid feel.

Website migration
We decided to migrate our website and supporting blog to the Google platform recently. 

Google Sites has proved to be a simple, fast, reliable platform. Its block structure suits desktop, notebook, tablet and phone formats. Google Drive has made our life a lot easier, in terms of storage.

Blogger blog platform is an old, familiar friend and we are glad to be back here after a number of years. I personally showcased a lot of my fluid turbulence research on Blogger. I note that they are now part of the Google platform.

We're beginning to upload a number of videos to Youtube. This has been a very new experience for us. It's a lot of fun, as well.

Back at our office, we use Linux Mint on all our computers - notebooks, desktops, and servers. There are so many useful tools for use in making videos, screen-casters, movie-makers, format converters. We've had a blast.

We've retained our Patreon blog for its incredible Shop feature and for technology transfer. We plan to also use the BuyMeaCoffee (MBC) blog and shop as an alternative. 

Our forward plan
We'll try to publish regular blog updates on what we are up to in the fascinating world of thermo-fluid technology, heat-transfer, plate heat-exchanger software and our other core technologies. The articles will appear on all three platforms - hopefully simultaneously.

For technology-specific blogs though, those will remain published in Members' sections for Patreon and MBC.

The fascinating world of AI Technology
We've worked with machine learning, deep learning and AI technologies for a number of years.
  • PHE performance prediction
  • MSTHE performance prediction
  • Extended-fin HE performance prediction
  • Fluid property prediction
  • Advanced graphics
A few interesting graphics examples are shown on our Gallery - AI Technology page. This will be updated from time to time. Enjoy.

We'll leave it at that, for now. 

Thank you so much for taking time to visit us. We look forward to serving you as a valued client in the hopefully not-too-distant future.

Best regards,
Desmond Aubery

Managing Partner
Rarefied Technologies (SE Asia)

Optimised Heat-Transfer Technologies
Youtube   : @RareTechSEA
Twitter     : @RareTechSEA
Facebook: RareTech Sea
Instagram: raretechsea
Pinterest  : Optimized Heat-Transfer Applications
E-mail      : desa.raretech@gmail.com
Office hours: 09:00 - 17:00 Mon-Fri - IndoChina time (UTC+7.00)

A link to our Google Drive folder is included below (public access open).


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